Viewing profile - Lexius

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This Elf stands 6' tall with the lean build and sharp, angular features common to his race. Straight black hair, often streaked with sand or dust, falls loosely to his shoulders, hiding the short, pointed ears tucked close to the side of his head. Small, geometric style tattoos that gleam dark blue decorate his sun-darkened skin, though his face and hands are usually unmarred by the symbols. His eyes are a strange, swirling mix of violet and blue that adds a disturbing tenor to the intensity of his gaze.

Lexius is most often clad in loose fitting, long-sleeved shirts that lace up the front, tucked into supple trousers made from some unknown animal hide, all in earth-tone colors that blend flawlessly with most desert terrains. A simple belt with a slim, intricate buckle serves as an anchor for the occasional pouch and a swaying string of sandalwood beads. Soft-soled boots are sturdier than they appear, making his steps silent. He often carries a simple leather satchel with the strap crossing his chest. He never casts a shadow, even under the brightest illumination.

Serene and remote, this Elf is far more likely to observe than interact. He rarely speaks, but when he does his voice is quiet and smooth, compelling in a way that sends chills up the spine. He sees far more than most and there is a power about him, lurking deep behind his strangely colored eyes, that can be absolutely terrifying.
Lexius is, first and foremost, a psion of considerable power and experience. He has spent countless decades of his existence in the pursuit of all manner of knowledge. His dedication to the task has given him an impressive command of both psionics and a myriad of other talents and abilities. He has long since trod the paths of Reality and now roams the Great Unknown in service to Creation itself, learning things even the Gods have forgotten.

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Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:24 pm
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