Viewing profile - Black Jade

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Black Jade
Daiyu Bo
Character Race:
On the edge of a sandstorm
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
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Place of Origin:
The caverns of Twilight Isle
Daiyu has light gray skin the color of stone, dark hair threaded with trinkets she has found in her travels, and eager eyes with irises that shift like falling sand. Despite her usual height, only five inches, her rattling jewelry and baubles and her deep, booming voice make her sound like a woman twenty times her size.

Long ruby scars cover her right hand, and a sword hilt with a ruby pommel dangles from a long necklace down to her hip.

She usually travels not in this form but as a small stone of black jade, accompanied by a caravan of pebbles and sand clouds that can whip their way across the land faster than a dust devil.
Like many of her kind, Daiyu can alter her size and shape for a limited time: reducing herself to a small stone for days on end, growing to the size of a human for hours at a time, hardening her skin against harm, or -- for a short time -- gaining the size and strength of a stone giant.

She can levitate objects as long as they are close to the ground, though this power and others like it diminish the higher up she is.

Her blood pact with the immortal witch Mallory has strengthened her resilience and her guile: she can conjure magical weapons, make arcane power burst from any gems in her possession, and her tongue can form many languages and occasionally bend the will of those who listen to her.

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