Viewing profile - Finn

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Owner, The Sacred Flame Shelter
Mankind has many heroes, but few champions.

He was the first, the greatest...and the least remembered.

Truth be told, he had been there long before the others, a silent sentinel, ever watchful, lending his guidance and his wisdom when needed, sometimes stepping in to take a more direct path towards helping those in need or just to save the day when necessary.

He's been a creator, a teacher, a prisoner, a hero, a champion, a healer, down through ages upon ages, and he's seen it all.

The first immortal, he would not be the last, or the most revered.

But he would be the greatest.

It didn't matter, of course. The least, the greatest, all were equal in the end, and he was no different.

Eventually it came to pass that he was forgotten, left behind, left to travel on through the ages alone, abandoned by his brethren and by those he sought to help.

There were glories aplenty, but he had ever been one to live in the moment and look towards the future...and as the failures and tragedies began to take their toll, he retreated from the world as well.

But there is no true escape, no refuge from the world, no fortress of solitude that he could remain in for long.

If he was indeed created by Another, then that Other crafted him into the image of a hero, because it seems almost that he has no choice but to help in whatever way he is able.

And a hero is a man who does what he can.

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Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:36 am
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Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:44 am
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Heroes get remembered...

...but legends never die.