Viewing profile - Percy Quirinus

Percy Quirinus
Perceval "Percy" Quirinus
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Character Age:
21 years old
Knight of the Vigilant Lord
Despite the messy long red hair and beard, Percy cuts a rather imposing figure in most crowds, particularly when dressed in full armor. He stands a few inches over six feet tall, with a muscular build. His light blue eyes take away some of the intimidation factor, as does the easy-going smile he wears most of the time.

He doesn't pay much attention to fashion, wearing whatever's in season without setting trends -- outside of armor, you're likely to find him in plain t-shirts and sweaters, jeans and khakis, boots and athletic shoes. For some reason, he has a strange fondness for articles of clothing in plaid.
Naturally charismatic and persuasive. Loves to sing, though the talent doesn't quite match the desire. Excels in drinking games and contests. His natural athleticism carries him through most physical activities and sporting events. He knows a little bit about religion, faith, and gods, and a surprising amount about how to survive on the mean streets of RhyDin.

In a fight, he prefers a lance or spear, but will make do with a longsword in a pinch, and a dagger in desperation. He wears armor like a second skin, and wields shields like a third hand.

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