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Risa Mae Jones
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
rendered art created by me.
Character Age:
Place of Origin:
Complete nerd.
She tended to lean toward the side of geek. Famous shirts such as, "Rocks fall, everyone dies", and, "How do you want to do this?" were just two of many. She loves her PC games, she loves her cell phone, her lap top, her mother and her friends.

Risa was born in Rhydin but was raised in the 'States by her Aunt. Shockingly, Risa grew up a well adjusted individual, if not this side of supreme dork.

Risa didn't think much about coming home until she hit a certain strange restlessness at twenty five. Maybe she wanted to know more about her father, maybe she just wanted to remember what it was like growing up surrounded by dreams.

Either way, it's been more than a decade back in Rhydin and she took her mother's lessons to heart about laughter through out her entire life. Taking herself seriously rarely ever happens in public. It's evident in the fact that she had laugh lines already forming at either side of her mouth that she smiles and often. Laughter: it's a gift to give, a weapon to use, and a great thing to have.

"Remember, Risa. Laughter is the best medicine. And if what they're trying to cram down your throat is making you sick, smile wider."

At five foot eight with a bit of extra weight for a woman her height, Risa Jones couldn't inspire awe if she tried. She was what the fashion industry liked to call, "plus size," or what elementary children and adolescents enjoyed hurling, "fat," at.

Her original hair color was a mousey brown, but depending on what her mood is and if she leaves it natural, it lightens to a more strawberry blonde in the summer. Currently: she has bleached it and dyed it a GLORIOUS hot magenta. It's rather long of course, as is all the rage, and she's 100% helpless as to what to do with it, so it is either in a pony tail (side-ways, 80's style, top knot like the unicorn she is), pigtails or a tidy braid. Small wisps of her baby hair that crowd her brow and ears and neck are always flying away.

Laughing blue eyes were always behind a pair of nerdy glasses: black frame cat eyed or bright pink plastic heart shaped frames tinted pink, or an entirely beglittered set of frames in hot pink glitter. Risa has an almost square jaw. Her nose was just a nose but she counted her blessings that it was neither too big, too small, hooked, nor upturned. She was a little proud of the wide mouth and often complimented it with various pink lip glosses. Sometimes if she forgets sunscreen during the warmer months, pale brown freckles appeared across nose and cheeks.
"Jedi in the streets, sith in the sheets."
"Come to the dark side! We have hot people!"
"Are you wearing space pants? Because your ass is outta this world!"
"Roll for initiative."
Light saber sound effects
"Pew Pew Pew Pew! ArrrroooOoooo," Lasers & TIE fighters.
"Warrrgaglglglelglglge" -- Her Chewie impression.

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