Viewing profile - Fenna De Vries

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Fenna De Vries
Fenna De Vries
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Place of Origin:
Amsterdam, Netherlands
A selected prodigy of the summoning Magecraft who picks up odd jobs where she can.
Not overly tall, not incredibly short; Fenna (though she encourages others to chop off the back half of her name and resort to the more friendly sounding Fen) tops at 5'6 and carries the gait of a show horse when she walks from years of royal grooming. Once upon a time (because Fen could have been from a modern day fairy tale where the princess was less delicate and more commanding with a sweet tongue) her hair was of sunlit harvests, old gold, and dirty poppy but now it is much darker, a richer texture of walnut and taupe. Hazel eyes range in which color will dominant over the other; in the right environment the green will spread like living moss while the russet will deepen until it's almost black-brown.
Once revered as the next ruler of the De Vries lineage, she has since fled the asphyxiating hands of the Six Names to venture into a separate lifestyle. This choice comes with a heavy curse of being labeled a Heretic, specifically due to her pedigree of being a summoner.

Fenna is gifted at Spiritcrafting. Her affinity to bonding with those that she commands is unlike any others in this lifetime, and the contracts are lifelong. With a maidenly heart that can turn fire-fierce at the drop of a hat, she is suitable to conjuring up long forgotten beasts thought too wild and stalwart to fall beneath a summoners spells.

Being a free bird caught in a gilded cage growing up wasn't all bad or stifling. Fenna has learned many languages, been able to study some of the most advantageous scriptures, and traveled abroad to the different territories to learn of the Six Name cultures.
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Sun Mar 03, 2019 11:00 pm
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Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:09 am
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Correspondence: Cal & Fen
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