Viewing profile - Marron Etto

Marron Etto
Marron Etto
Character Race:
Enchanted Ironwood Construct
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Mono Graphics
Not a Firefighter
Yes, he's made of wood.
No, he doesn't have a face.
Yes, he can still see, hear, and sense the world around him.
How? Magic.
Not good enough? Too bad.

Generally he can be seen wearing dark jeans and sometimes a button up shirt. Though just as often he goes without the shirt. He doesn't wear shoes.

He is made of Ironwood, among the strongest of woods with a strong grain. Though he's considering staining himself a darker, more sophisticated color.

A metal spike has been driven into his chest, just over where his heart would be. The metal is a dark shade of charcoal and is pitted with hammer marks.
Marron is not a very skilled individual. But he does have some natural talents and gifts. Such as his affinity to wood. He can actually become one with wood and plants, either living or dead. This lets him use anything wooden... such as trees, bar stools, tables, walls, spoons and the like... in many inventive fashions.

In the way of defense, he usually runs. Not very heroic, but it is his way. He is made of tough stuff though, and if he's forced to fight he can take a hit and dish one out as well.

He has a few other skills, but you'll have to get to know him to find out what they are.

He is also capable of making a staggering array of facial expressions.

((ooc: This char doesn't speak, but he is now a telepath thanks to a recent incident. However, he doesn't like invading the sanctity of anyone's mind without permission. He does know sign language if your char is familiar with any incarnation of the language. If you think your char has another way around it, please, feel free to message me and we'll work something out. I don't bite. :) Often anyway.))

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Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:15 pm
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Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:19 pm
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