Viewing profile - Kessler

Kessler Erickson
Character Race:
Immortal Human
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Men's Fashion
Character Age:
280 give or take.
Place of Origin:
Private Instructor
An average build, decent looks by Rhy'din standards, and an intellect that landed him a job teaching for the more interesting inhabitants of the city, Kessler was born with several admirable attributes. His usual attire can be described as very casual.

Born as an immortal, Kessler has had quite some time to read up on many disciplines, through the last two centuries he's managed to amass a large number of tricks of the trade. After a while, his mind couldn't keep up with it all, and he had to seek ways of expanding his retention capabilities. That process, has landed him here in Rhy'din.
Being a Private Instructor, he has taught many subjects for a wide array of people. Offering lessons in everything from Etiquette to Applied Explosives, who knows how versatile this man really is?

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Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:55 pm
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Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:00 pm
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