Viewing profile - Jonathan Keary

Jonathan Keary
Jonathan "Jon" Keary
Character Race:
Minor Spirit of Death
Currently at the Cemetary
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Ticknor Photography
Character Age:
Few hundred years give or take a decade
Place of Origin:
Reaper, though not a particularly grim one.
Oh, I don't know. I'm not tall, dark, and handsome if that's what you were hoping for. Well, maybe the dark part. But not on purpose. I'm maybe 5'-8" and kinda thin, past that you gotta get under the clothes. Not that I'd blame you for trying. I'm dead sexy.

I like hoodies, don't judge. A lot of people like them. And so what if I happen to like the black ones. I'm not depressed. I'm a spirit, so I can wear whatever I want. Got a problem with it? Go die. Or stay here and do it, I'll wait. All part of the job.

Yeah, I know my jeans are ripped and full of darkness. It's just a thing, can't help it. Not everyone goes quietly you know. What's that stupid poem? Rage, rage against the dying of the light? Screw that guy. Made so much trouble for me. Come on man, I just work here.

I love my Vans, they're comfy and I can walk in them all day. No I am not a skater boy, helmets don't look good over my hood.

You want to see my face? Too bad. I don't have one. I'm all skin and bones, without the skin. Still dead sexy though.
Well, I got this scythe see? And I brandish it about... and people die. That's about the long and short of it. I'm not a one trick pony though, I got other stuff. I can make flowers and animals die too. I can even screw up an entire bakery by killing all the yeast. That was a good day.

Really though I'm great at parties. Not that I've ever been to one. But I'm sure I'd kill it if I did go. Practically the life of the party, that's me.

Yeah, I got other stuff in all seriousness, but that would be telling trade secrets and they might fire me. I got a sweet gig you know? Not risking that for your curiosity, so shoo.

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