Viewing profile - Diritas Ashin

Diritas Ashin
Diritas Ashin
Character Race:
Tolan Spirit of Legacy
At his shipyard.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Tyler Martin (model)
Character Age:
260 give or take.
Place of Origin:
Northern Seas
Captian of The Abyssus, Owner of Starboard Marine Services.
Height: 6'-5" Your average tall person.

Weight: 272 lbs. The build of an agile fighter.

Eye color: Midnight blue

Skin color: Permanently tanned from years of sailing.

Hair color: Silver/Grey

Defining features: He has a few bullet wound scars dotting his chest, and a deep scar which runs across both of his calves just below his knees.

Common clothing: A button down dress shirt open at the neck and rolled to the elbows to avoid burning them when he uses his flame magic. The shirts are usually of a dark color such as midnight blue, black, burgundy or dark green and paired with black denim jeans. He wears a dark brown belt that matches the traveling boots he wears beneath the jeans. A leather bracelet with a large red gem now adorns his right wrist, the gem containing a sword gifted to him by the guardian of the Tolan underworld, Orikame. The magical sword appears as a damascus claymore with bronze fittings depicting a demon, fittingly named Rebellion.
Diritas is the son of the Spirit of the Northwind and the Great Spirit Guardian Ashinabe.

He is the disowned heir to the Northern Isles, Last Son of Tola, Eldest Son of the House of Ashin, known as the Prince of the Northern Sea, and Keeper of the Northgate Passage of Souls.

These titles and birthrights bestow him some interesting abilities. Most of which are listed here, though these are not the full extent or limits of what he is capable of.

~~Aspect of the Abyssus (Allows him to use the power stored within his ship to fight and summon things soulbound to him, such as parts of the ship. Does not apply to people)

~~Aspect of Tola (Allows Him to summon parts of the lost city of Tola, his birthright and ancestral home. Note: He still has limited control of this ability, unsure of his true capacities.)

~~Flame of the Spirit. (Flame manifested by spiritual lineage. Behaves as normal flame.)
~~Golden Flame of the Guardian. (A pure flame, incapable of harming innocence. Capable of burning away dark magic.)
~~Silver Flame of the Sage (Healing and Empathy. Others and self.)
~~Amethyst Flame of the Scribe (Physical Defense and Preservation)
~~Emerald Flame of the Templar (Magical Defense and Energy Negation)
~~ Onyx Flame of the Reaper (Flame born of Entropy. Capable of burning the soul.)
~~Sapphire flame of the Magi (Magically based flame.)

~~Tidal Will (Magical Manipulation of Water/Ice.)
~~Glacial Strength (Freeze water, manipulate crystal structure strength magically.)
~~Northern Blood (Immune to cold.)

~~Keeper of the Northern Gate (Allows him to prevent a soul from moving on after physical death.)
~~Noble of the House Ashinabe (Souls can be captured, made to serve, and manipulated as an element.)
~~Void of the Fragmented (Empty half of his soul, houses captured souls)
~~Spirit Passage (As a descendant of spirits, Diritas can use the Northgate to teleport in the physical realm)

Finally, Diritas carries with him always his sword. Rebellion is a claymore gifted to him by the guardian of the Tolan underworld, and as such has powers of its own. Magically reinforced, it is nigh impossible to break, and capable of cutting through normal steel as easily as straw. Said to be a weapon forged of the remains of a repentant demon, Diritas feels a strong sense of connection to the sword, and is capable of delivering devastating magic using the blade as a focusing implement.

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