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Dull Dullahan
Siobhan Ceann
Character Race:
Dullahan (Fae)
The realms between
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Celty from DuRarara!!!
Place of Origin:
There are so many different tales of the Black Riders with no heads, it can be difficult to sift through what is fact and what is fiction; the legends from simple rumors. This particular incarnation of the Grim Reapers of the Fae realms has traded in her monstrous black horse for a powerful black motorcycle. The thunderous growls that it makes rumble in the chest when the rider and machine roar past, carrying its rider on some delivery or another.

Culling chosen souls isn't a very lucrative nor steady business so Siobhan has taken on the more profitable job of independent courier. Whatever commodity needs to be delivered or retrieved, this Dullahan will see it done. From the terribly mundane to the seedy unmentionables. Even the Unseelie dealer of death has her limits with her spotty morals when it comes to slavery though and woe to the individual that hires her to deliver people as things.

Her black helmet, that is almost constantly on, is shaped like a beastly stylized skull. The visor where one could normally glimpse the face of the individual beneath is blacked out; the only visage the onlooker can see is their own reflection. Often times, when on a job of official Dullahan business, she dons her sleek black leathers; seamless and form fitting from head to toe, gloves and boots. Every other time, Siobhan wears her leather jacket like a suit of armor, adding yet another layer of distance from the rest of the world she seems to keep.
Masterful rider of horses and motorcycles.
Able to summon a black scythe from the nothing at her bidding.
Doesn't seem to bleed when shot or stabbed.
Unlike most Fae, iron only slows her down a tad.

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