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Liam Owens
Liam Owens
Character Race:
Human, or at least apparently so
Between Rhy'Din City and Terminus
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Character Age:
Early 40's
Place of Origin:
Terminus City, Rhy'Din
Playboy, Hitman, Slave Trader, and "Wiseguy"
Liam Owens is around five feet-ten inches tall, and around one hundred and eighty pounds. He has dark brown hair and bluish-green colored eyes. From the way he looks, or stares, at certain individuals he could definitely give off "the eyes of a killer" vibe. His age would suggest him to be in his mid thirties, but his face and hands show that of a person who's had quite a rough life.

He wears a white dress shirt, usually accompanied with a slender black tie, dark slacks, with a dark colored suit jacket or long trench coat to match. When he's not tending to "business" he usually relaxes his dress code a bit; loosening his tie, rolling up the sleeves to his dress shirt and unbuttoning one or two buttons from his collar. However when he does, a dual shoulder harness becomes clearly visible, which holsters either one or two semi automatic pistols.

Owens keeps to him self mostly, although he will engage in conversation as he feels comfortable. His personality can change from an easily riled up individual, to a person who couldn't care less what the people are doing around him. He's an avid drinker, almost on the level of being a complete alcoholic, yet he only prefers top shelf liquors, usually bourbon. He also enjoys the taste of a fine cigarillo, hand rolled preferred.
Liam definitely has a "wise guy" mentality. Money, power and respect are the three virtues which he believes is owed to him at all times. He's quick with a gun when necessary, and has even been given the nicknames "Lucky" Liam or "One Shot" Owens, for his ability to usually end a conflict with only one bullet. This man is also quite stronger then he appears, having a very strong grip, and from years of having to handle disputes in a rugged fashion.

He usually travels to and from Terminus and Rhy'Din on business for the "family" in which he belongs to, either carrying product or precious human cargo for a variety of clientele. He's a mid-level "family" man, and a good earner, making him a viable asset to his organization. He is a bit of a playboy and sometimes can be considered a womanizer, but he also has his specific tastes. With the right woman by his side, she would certainly be treated like royalty. Liam is fluent in basic (English) and also Cityspeak, a mish mash of words and expressions from Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Hungarian and Japanese, which is usually spoken in the depths of the City's he frequents. Stars End and Terminus.

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