Viewing profile - Euryalia

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Massage Therapist
"You only have to look at the Medusa straight on to see her. And she's not deadly. She's beautiful and she's laughing."
-- Helene Cixous


Sometimes man made monsters weren't monsters at all but rather misunderstood maidens made out to be the stuff of nightmares. Curses and gifts were so often the same thing, rooted deep and left to punish or bless accordingly long, long after trials and transgressions were forgotten. But even monsters learn to adapt in time.


“The lightning cracked again, this time like it was right on top of us, feet away from arcing through the house, and her skin was white as stone and her hair waving, and I thought about the Medusa I'd seen in an old movie when I was younger, monstrous and green-scaled, and I thought: That's not it at all. She was beautiful as Mama. That's how she froze those men, with the shock of seeing something so perfect and fierce in the world.”
-- Jesmyn Ward, Sing, Unburied, Sing
Her hair moves sometimes. It's not just a trick of the light. She wears sunglasses often, just because she has a bit of a petrifying stare if she gets overly emotional. Other than that, she passes for mostly normal.

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