Viewing profile - Edd

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Professional Bum
"It's better to burn out than to fade away."

A sloe-eyed example of everything wrong with this generation, Edd served as an ever present reminder to her parents of just how they failed. At least she did when she showed up to ask for money. Money for bills and food eventually went to more illicit substances and the fun that came with them. If there's one thing she learned, it's no matter your vice, you can always buy friends.

At sixteen, she's a ghost like waif, the sort of thin that said she seldom ate and never worked out. Rather she spent her days killing time and herself, little by little.

Neither tall nor short, she fell somewhere in between the highs and lows of a city of extremes. Never had she been the pretty sort, she was a plain girl by most standards, with mousey sun faded hair and eyes the color of old money. Her clothes came from thrift stores but seldom the ones in the bad parts of town, think less desperate thrift and more trendy consignment. She was a pro at making it all look older and more ragged than it really was.
Her list of skills is a short one but if there's something she's good at, it's faking it til she makes it.

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