Viewing profile - Jake Ives

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Jake Ives
He thought too much. He brooded over things. He always wore a suit. He smoked. He was intense. He watched. He waited. He was offbeat. He was patient. He was impatient. He was hypocritical. He barely smiled. He liked black. He almost looked seventeen still. He stared. He wished for things. He was subjective. He was impartial. He was indifferent. He was obnoxious. He was not charismatic. He criticized. He couldn't take criticisms. He couldn't take a joke. He was serious. He was sarcastic. He had issues. He hid things. He was a borderline alcoholic. He was complicated. He wasn't a mind reader. He was a stranger. He read. He was secretive. He was intelligent. He wasn't a genius. He was a Jake of all trades. He was focused. He hesitated. He was impulsive. He was contradictory. He was responsible. He was questionable. He was curious. He was mysterious. He was indecisive. He was repetitive. He was arrogant. He was argumentative. He was observant. He was many things. He was Jake Ives.

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