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Violet Price
Character Race:
Allegedly Human (Likely Fae Changeling)
Looking for her brother
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
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Place of Origin:
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
She might have been pretty once, with her high cheekbones, bronzed skin, and pouty lips. But now she was all angles, sharp bones and hollow shadows, a study of contrasts wrapped in muted layers and tight smiles that don't quite reach her eyes.

She had been happy once too, but that was all behind her now.

Violet is unremarkable in height, standing 5'4" if she isn't slouching. That said, she's much too thin for her height, weighing in at a mere buck-oh-five. By all appearances, she looks like a stiff breeze would likely break her. Her hair is a plain shade of brown that falls in waves when it behaves and frizzy curls when it doesn't. Her eyes are a grey blue, like the color of the ocean the moment between a storm's conclusion and sunlight's reappearance. She gets cold easily and can often times be found wrapped in multiple layers typically involving long sleeves with holes for her thumbs cut out. Her voice carries a noticeable accent that some confuse for British but is actually Australian.

Though she's wholly unaware of it, her aura is tinged with subtle hints of Fae glamour. Peel away the layers and one might change the whole picture.
If you asked Violet, she'd likely say she had no skills. As a matter of fact, she's mostly right, too. Mostly. She can't fight, isn't great at domestic things (save for cleaning, she's decent at that), isn't a performer, and doesn't have much for artistic talent either. As a young woman just starting out on her own, she's yet to discover all she's capable of. She would say that the odd little "incidents" that seem to happen when she gets emotional are purely coincidental too.

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