Viewing profile - Graham Cooper

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Graham Cooper
Teacher at Rhy'Din High
When he was growing up, his brother was autistic. It was a long time before he stopped being angry about it.

The experience had taught him much, so much that he hadn't really understood until he was older. Graham could have been egotistical, he could have been self-serving and smug. It was easy for someone who looked like him to be that, but his brother had always grounded him. Always reminded him that he was just an arrangement of flesh and blood. It didn't matter what someone looked like, or sounded like. It just mattered what they did and from that realization on, actions always spoke the loudest to him.
When his brother passed away from 'physical complications', it left him taking care of no one. Now there were children, children who needed to be taught and cared for. It was some of the happiest times in his life, feeling that he made a difference by teaching special education. Some people talked about saving the world. Graham talked about saving one person.

He learned not to take himself too seriously. To laugh. To help someone when they wanted it and to leave people who wouldn't help themselves to their own suffering. For him, knowing what he wanted to do in life had been the easy part. After things went sour with an exlover and a position four hours away from home in Rhy'Din opened up, Graham took the opportunity in hopes for a fresh start. He knew that he wanted to teach and that he enjoyed being with Jo. It was everything else he was still figuring out.

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