Viewing profile - Emmaline

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On the tall side of average at five-eight, her jet black hair is in microbraids that trail off somewhere mid-back. Slender bordering on scrawny, there's not much muscle or curve to her and that seems to suit her just fine. A scattering of freckles dust the high sloping cheekbones, her light complexion a pleasing contrast to the warm depth of her eyes.

Her smile is something more like a smirk; she looks serious even when she isn't, unamused even when she is.
The only daughter of a private investigator, it's been just Em and her dad for as long as she can remember. That's just the way she liked it, too, until the day she made friends with some boy at the local skate park. He was a little bit younger and really kind of goofy, but he grew on her (like a fungus!) and it wasn't long before the two of them were surgically stapled at the hip.

One thing led to another as such things so often do, and when dear old Dad got wind of it he was Less Than Amused. Moving his beloved daughter first across town and then all the way out of state to keep her away from what he considered a 'bad element', they wound up in Rhydin about six months ago when the man got a job offer he simply couldn't refuse.

Boy he's going to be mad when he discovers who else just showed up in town...

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