Viewing profile - Scintillating

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wherever necessary
head minion in charge of doing stuff
At four foot nine and a half, Kami is not exactly the picture of intimidation. What she lacks in stature she makes up for in attitude.

In most social settings, she is sweet, outgoing and even funny. She's obsessed with fashion, and there's not much she likes more than spending (someone else's) money. She has a taste for the luxurious and tends towards the extravagant, but she's also generous with her treasures, loyal to a fault, and very much a team player. She can be lazy as a house cat, but she's never yet shied away from hard work to make sure everyone's goals are met.

A word of caution: she's little and cute, but don't mistake her for subservient. She's deferential to one man and one man only, and there's a very good chance that you're not him.

"Thou art mine everlastingly."

The War left her orphaned as a teenager; a brave resilience and the total lack of family ties garnered her what can only morally be described as the Wrong Kind of Attention.

Seventy some-odd years later, she's been long since promoted from pet project to Lieutenant General, serving at the Prime Minister's Right Hand.
Queen of Diamonds (tarot):

Traditionally, representing the energy of a Queen, this feminine guardian is endowed with enormous good sense and problem solving energy, but she is not particularly entrepreneurial. She loves to advise, encourage, and empower those she gets involved with, studying their problems with them and setting them up to solve them.

In every case, she does not see the benefits that exist in her life as belonging solely to her. She feels the needs of her people and will spend freely of her time, energy, skills, money to see that nobody is left out. For this, and because she likes to work in an atmosphere of beauty, enjoyment and abundance, she is sometimes accused of being extravagant. But she works hard, and she sees no reason to deny herself the rewards of a job well done. Everyone who comes in contact with her feels enriched by her enjoyment in living.

( ... cagliostro)

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Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:04 pm
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Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:27 pm
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Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's able...
