Viewing profile - Layla Wasem

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Layla Wasem
at work in her shop, Egyptian Blue
artist specializing in ceramics and pottery
Her jet black hair takes on a coppery sheen in the warm summer sun, spilling in rich glossy waves down past her shoulder blades. Her wide set eyes, twin pools of the richest dark chocolate burnished along the edges in warm cinnamon. She's a study in sepia tones, all golden honeys, warm russets and dusky fawns.

On the tall side of average at five seven, she's of slight build with the subtle muscle definition of one who is accustomed to routine physical activity. There's a feminine give to her figure, though, in hips that flare just so, exaggerating the inward curve of her waist as she moves.

Her smile is bright, bringing golden starbursts into the fathomless depths of her eyes when it appears, though the accompanying laugh is barely there, a whispered rush of wind more than a sound.

She is soft spoken, painstakingly polite and accommodating. She may even come across as shy, though it's not an accurate assessment.

This is a woman on the verge of finding herself, risking literal life and limb to reject what she's always been taught. On a quest to find and embrace with wide open arms the fuller, more beautiful life she knows is out there somewhere. Though she may seem- and often is- meek and unassuming, Layla proves to herself every day that she is capable of daring far beyond her wildest imagination.
An accomplished artist, she supports herself with her work in pottery and ceramics. She lives and breathes her work, pulling both art and life from so much damp clay. She also works with steatite (soap stone), employing the ancient art of painting pottery in enamel that originates from her home land.

When she's not at work, Layla practices her raqs sharqi (belly dance), though she no longer has a hafla to practice with. For her it's a highly private, strictly cultural art, and she wouldn't dream of discussing it publicly, much less performing in front of anyone.

Still, the fluidity of the practice informs her movements, her steps graceful, soundless and deliberate.

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