Viewing profile - Dritta

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Dritta Butrint
Character Race:
In a Caravan parked behind an old horse
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Fortune Teller, Beggar, Vagabond
Of middling height and a perhaps a little underweight she appears smaller and frailer then constitution bears out. Her pale heart shaped face with its decidedly determined chin has seen perhaps 30 springs or perhaps not. These things are not as important to the Roma as the age of the eyes, and her dark eyes have gazed upon far more winters than springs.

Her long black hair waves and curls about her like a mad beast with a mind of its own. She usually tames it up and back with a dark red kerchief wrapped like a neat turban around her head.

She has a strong sense of personal modesty, and her winter ensemble consists of sweeping skirts layered one atop the other with a pair of think pantaloons underneath.

She wears a two or three peasant blouses which modestly encircles her dusky shoulders leaving much else to the imagination. Over her blouses she wears a dark vest of velvet hanging heavily on her, as if made from chain mail. A heavy wool shawl, embroidered with flowers encases her. She wears heavy men's boots in the winter, although she is not shy about tossing them off to dance barefoot when paid.

Dozens and dozens of bracelets encircle her throat, wrists and ankles, and she often makes a soft tinkling sound when she walks and a strong jingle sound when she runs. And, sometimes, when she needs it, her passing causes no more concern then the sigh of a contented mouse.
A consummate actress and story teller, she can easily read palms, tarot cards, crystal balls, people, the world, and the stars...but not books. Her hands, however, are as quick as her mind, and she can labor over a missive or read simple writing if needs be. Besides, what did the world make the Gadji for if not to write for the Roma?

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Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:51 pm
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Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:08 pm
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If you find me cold on a warm winter's eve, bury me standing at the cross roads with my face facing East.