Viewing profile - Li Liang

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Li Liang
Li Liang
Character Race:
human maybe
wherever is the most fun
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Tainan City
driver, motorsports promoter
Li is short and has an athletic figure thanks to dancing lessons at her favorite studio. Her hair is shoulder length and frequently dyed and highlighted. Even with dark eyes and a pleasant smile she can tend to avoid attracting attention. In addition to casual comfortable clothing she loves racing apparel often decorated with patches bearing logos of her favorite aftermarket racing component manufacturers.
She had admire the fast and flashy cars since she was young, so it was natural that as she grew up she spent time in the garages used by the underground street racers. Before she could even get an operators license legally she had already been in trouble with the police. Soon banished by her strict parents, Li traveled around wherever an underground racing scene was most active. In the process she became fluent in several languages and finally made her way to Rhy'Din.

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Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:06 am
Last active:
Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:09 am
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