Viewing profile - Hephaestus Miller

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Hephaestus Miller
Hephaestus Miller
Character Race:
Of human and elven descent
Old Market
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Owner of Miller Forge
In the smokey hot fires of a forge, with tool and toil, beneath the fall of the hammer against anvil, wondrous things are made. Sometimes the poets said the same of men, them who were the implements of destiny, the universe the smith who made them. Simple men become great man.

Heph didn't want to be a great man. Being simple was just fine for him, a simple man with a simple passion. The forge.

Long hours within its smokey depths had kept him robust, broad and dense with muscle that lacked the definition of a more vain man. The scruffy, open and honest look was good for business, which was never limited by a lopsided smiled. It served to disguise the erudite leanings of a scholar's son.

He liked to keep it simple.

It was why he was reticent to discuss the origins of the heavy glove that covered his left hand, a sheath of leather and metal and little clockwork bits that reached all the way to his elbow. It was a mystery that was meant to stay as much.

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Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:35 pm
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