Viewing profile - Setrin

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Setrin Ar'Kal
Character Race:
Some portion human and elf
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Troublemaker, thorn in the side, unsavory deeds
Like all elves of his world, Set is tall and younger in appearance than in actual age. The mongrel blood of the father he never met brings him below the average, but he's still about six and half feet tall. An active lifestyle and dedication to training keeps him in shape, though he lacks the bulk of a man who trains with weights. His blue eyes are striking, memorable if not exactly attractive, in their pale icy shade.


Elves, even baseborn halfbreeds, were rare in human cities. He'd been picked from the orphanage and thrust into training by rights of this blood. Because it matched the one he would apprentice to. Because, inherently, it gave him access to magic that few humans could reach.

Kal had trained him in all the areas he himself had been trained under the guild. Knife and sword work, poisons and disguise. He could pick pockets and locks with equal ease. Magic studies had been dificult - the teacher not fully adept in his own skills lacked a full suite of tools and they strayed down dangerous paths. Setrin never fully developed his mentor's extreme gift for travel magic, but he picked up enough and expanded further into fire than the other ever had.

Maybe it was the stress of that training, maybe it was something the young apprentice had seen when he delved a bit too deep while the master wasn't home, or maybe it was just that he'd reached an age of maturity where his true personality began to show itself. Something changed in the young elf. Something darker taking root. The relationship took a turn for the worse and soon he went out on his own with something to prove and an axe to grind.

It'd been decades since that apprenticeship, though he'd still tell you it is the basis of the skills he knows, though not the extent. Sell sword and killer for hire were some of his better thought of lines of work. Information extraction was one the old master could never fully stomach. Set didn't have that flaw.

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