Viewing profile - Rosencrantz

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Ian B. Mackenna
Character Race:
on the road
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
The months have aged him. Though he's still a skinny thing, all awkward limbs and sharp angles, there's a certain steel in his spine now, a rigid squaring to his shoulders. A mop of curly mouse brown hair grows unkempt and unruly, usually brushed forward into eyes that are like the glittering shards of a shattered green bottle on concrete. There's a thousand yard stare in them, a seemingly impenetrable distance. A ring pierces the full pout of his bottom lip, and he's nearly always toying with it, either with his fingers or his teeth.

There's a tattoo over his heart of a Mexican sugar skull with the word "Revival" in its teeth, mimicking the label of a certain famous bourbon. Worked into the designs on the skull's face are certain Pictish runes and three letters - J, M and B.

The top left corner of what looks like an otherwise fresh tattoo is warped and distorted by a healing bullet wound.
Though he's slight of build and very young, Ian's never been known to back down. There are monsters in his past that make it hard to fear much of anything, though he's learning. Quick with a sarcastic comment, he relies heavily on the invincibility of youth.

Hours and hours logged on a video game console have given him an analytical mind for strategy and lightning fast reflexes.

Several months ago, Ian hooked up with the MacIntosh Caravan. With a surprising ease that was positively Machiavellian, he found himself firmly seated at the boss' right hand.

Recent events have taught him two things: that 'Til Death' is something of a joke, though not the way most people think, and never, ever trust an adult.

((the link is his tumblr profile. Viewer discretion advised for mature themes - violence, illegal activity))

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Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:30 pm
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Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:30 pm
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'Cause our minds change on what we think is good
I wasn't raised in the hood
But I know a thing or two about pain and darkness