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Robert Brohkun
Character Race:
Illusionary Demon
Otherworld Museum (RDI towncenter)
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Reinstated Otherworld Museum Curator
Everything is fine until it gets broken. Then it's just a matter of whether or not the pieces will fit back together. Can they be glued? Do the seams of the rejoined pieces still show or was it like a secret? Are there small parts missing now so that it will never be the same? Robert knew everything about what it was to be broken and to see other people who were. At first he thought that they were all worth pitying, then he decided that they were beautiful. Robert liked the way people held onto their sorrow, and their grief, and found that it sustained him.

Wiry, dark hair. He was 6 ft with a light build. People who were close to him sometimes said he smelled like a coppery, burning cinnamon that stayed at the center of the tongue. His eyes looked familiar being that they wore the jaded level of expectation that most had when a dream was first broken. They were green and yellow, some called them hazel, and uncommitted to color. He could deal one heck of a poker game and liked it best when the players bet everything they had. Those were the games worth holding your breath for.
An illusionary demon was quite a creature. He could spin a tale, any tale, that your eyes or sense believed but he could not betray the truth that was touch. What the hands could know about someone. Robert was sustained on the sorrows of others and in Rhydin, there was always a feast to be had. Sometimes, though, a feast is not enough. Sometimes there is something so delicious it cannot be ignored.

It took him ten years to reach Rhy'Din, to find the man he was looking for and to tie up all those loose ends. After being successful an old friend, Roach came to see him and... in the end he was left holding the contract for her soul and the uneasy feeling of New Orleans that wouldn't leave. Now, he searched for a way to dissolve Roach's soul contract, to free her of him, without anyone having to die. Not all contracts could be written perfectly, there had to be someone who had the authority to "edit" them. It was a whole new line of work in the demon world to deal in contracts and he was reluctantly learning more and more about it. Still, he would look and in the process hopefully resolve some of his own lingering... issues, the ones that left him feeling like a used object or a desirable tool.

Demons didn't make contracts that were easily broken.

Symbols of Persephone: Pomegranate, Seeds of Grain, Torch, Flowers, Deer
Symbols of Hades: Cerberus, cornucopia, sceptre, Cypress, Narcissus, key (info from wikipedia)

(( The child had by disorder was not something I consented to OOC and will not be acknowledged by my character. Please do not approach my character about that SL. Thank you. ))

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The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. -Frost