Viewing profile - Sin Incarnate

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Sin Incarnate
Austin Kelly, "Ace"
Character Race:
Takes male form
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Advocating immoralities
Pride. Greed. Lust. Gluttony. Wrath. Envy. Sloth.

Seven of the deadliest wrapped in one artfully incongruous package. Drawn with fine lines and sharp edges that easily become blurred through the abstract of reality and myth.

No single sin dominates or defines the other, but blends into a complex brew that's both sweet and bitter. Feeding into another equally, he's managed to balance them with virtuous grace that spits in the eye of his beholders.

His only constant is evolution of himself. Ageless, he grows with the world, calibrating his growth with the adaptation of his surroundings.

His latest tailoring is 5'11 with brown eyes that often deepen to a soft black in the right light. Deep enough to plunge into, only to drown in their subzero temperatures. His hair is kept neat and clean, the shade of coals though at times can be seen in it's distinguished silver-grey. Of an athletic stature, he's not overencumbered by muscle nor is he rail thin.

On his soul is an imprint of corrupt divinity, tainted by sulfur and brimstone.
Meaning behind the name "Ace of Diamonds" (tarot):

Ambition is the key word for this card, and usually in form of cold, hard, cash.

Contacts are very important to the Ace of Diamond. They like secrecy in connection with their associations; both business and personal. The Ace of Diamond can be incredibly charismatic, able to focus their magnetism to achieve success. They are curious about metaphysics and spirituality, but they have a hard time believing in such things unless they can profit from them.

There can be a lot of obstacles and difficulties for this card - and it's mostly the women who suffer in the realm of relationships and matters of the heart. The negative Ace of Diamond has issues with greed for money and power. The positive Ace of Diamond are willing to love for love's sake alone, thus able to reap the personal and material success so strongly desired.

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You will always be fond of me...
I present to you all the sins
you never had the courage to commit.
-Oscar Wilde