Viewing profile - Raymond Grey

Raymond Grey
Raymond Grey
Character Race:
Too human.
...Wandering aimlessly.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Whatever he needed to be.
The blonde-haired, hazel eyed man stood at 6'2" tall and weighed in at a very lean 200 lbs. He was athletically built, broad shouldered, and was light on his feet, always seemingly aware of his surroundings, right down to the most minute detail.
He commonly wore fine dress clothes; usually a simple black or blue coat, with a silky, white long sleeved button up shirt, black slacks, and polished, flawless black shoes.

Ray wasn't without weapons, either, and he carried many things hidden under his clothing. Perhaps the two most visible items on his person were his two blades. On his left hip, one could catch glimpses of the silver hilt of a slightly curved saber; with an intricately criss-crossed basket hand guard. On his right hip, a slender and curved dagger rested quietly; shaped in the same manner as a crescent moon. Both blades were lightly enchanted and had a few special properties. Along his belt, there were an assortment of cylindrical tubes, pouches, and packs, filled with a variety of different substances, mundane and arcane in nature.
Ex-Guild Thief: Growing up on the streets of Rhy'Din, Ray has had dealings with many street gangs and other organizations, and thus has specialized training in subterfuge.

Swordsmanship, Master: Achieving the level of a master swordsman is no small feat. This is a combination of both formal training provided to him by his ex-employers over the years and his own studies.

Marksmanship, Master: Ray has no particular love for firearms, but it was a mandatory part of his training. He specializes in small arms and close quarter fighting with projectiles, such as daggers, knives, darts and archery.

Arcane Knowledge: Ray has no formal magical training as a spell caster. However, he can read and cast spells from scrolls, wands, and activate magic items that might only be used by certain specific people, and has been educated in magical theory.

Bio-clock Manipulation: More of a curse than an ability or power, Ray was cursed by an unknown force before he was born for reasons he hasn't yet fully understood. The spell had diminished and destroyed his soul's link to the flow of time. Ray has the ability to manipulate his own immediate area around him and enhance his speed and agility, both mentally and physically. The drawback to this ability was that it consumed stamina at a tremendous rate, and could potentially destroy his body if pushed too far.

[ There's more to this list and I will update it as I remember things. xD ]

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