Viewing profile - Sieghart

Once known as Sieghart, now dons the mantle of the White Wolf
Character Race:
Drachenblut, he who drinks the dragon's blood.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
The apparition of a dragon slayer that once bathed in the blood of the great dragon Migniorg. In some places told to have been a drifter between cities and countries without falter. Uninhibited he passed from border to border without issue or hassle from the guards that held the borders of warring clans. Many called him the White Wolf, the brand on the back of his neck resembled a snarling wolf in thick angry slashes of burn pocked flesh.

With beautiful diamond cut icy features, cat slit eyes and hair of fresh fallen snow that appeared almost too intangible to touch, skin flat but bronzed by the cloud covered sky and tall large frame on horse back he was a haunting sight to come across on cold night's trip through the snow covered Forrest of the Outlands. He was believed to be a legend among the wandering tribes of the Fade, created to keep the brutal Noel bandit from descending the mountain and taking their cattle and daughters. But the ghost of a long forgotten era was a reality for the armies that crossed the Outer borders and when the smoke cleared not but thirty soldiers rode home with the tale of the White Wolf.

The dragon of the deep had made a blood pact with a creature out of myth, it was a beast of burden for those who needed passage from the forest that bordered the Noel to the outer Fade...

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Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:05 pm
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Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:05 pm
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