Viewing profile - haddassawarrior

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Morriah Lebeau (maiden- Shadowcat)
Character Race:
reptilian feline with a bit of something unknown
in the glen
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
5'6 in height, 110lbs in weight with creamy slightly tan skin. no one knows how old she is and if you ask her she will lie everytime though she appears early twenties.golden-green eyes and long waist length wavy aburn hair. her clothing and appearance change constantly so pay close attention. she can "morph" her appearance so that she has a tendency to disappear or melt into her surroundings. she is ussually seen wearing midnight blue wide legged pants and matching halter vest. she has other physical qualities such as those golden-green eyes of hers are of the feline nature as well as her ears, tail, fangs, and claws. she also used to have black feathered wings which have a span of 20 ft when spread. there is much more to her but you will have to come across them to find out what they are. She has a husband but believes him to be dead as he vanished suddenly two years ago. She still holds out hope of his return one day, though she is deeply grieved by this absence.
Can crack a whip faster and better than Zorro and her skill with throwing knives is better than robin hood's with a bow. She can both braid and make her own throwing weapons and whips. She can change her appearance at will but can also turn into any type of feline or reptile she can think up. Also she is an expert with her hands and is quite crafty as far as making stuff goes. she can make almost anything she puts her mind to and that is a lot. Also she can aquire any part of the afore mentioned species without turning completely into it. She also LOVES to dance and is quite skilled at it and loves music but can play none. She is also very quick on her feet, flexible, and agile. She can also blend in with her suroundings and be very stealthy. Finally, she purrs when happy, growls when irritated, roars when angry, and pounces anything that moves when bored as well as can breath fire and other substances.

(OOC WARNING!!: This char can become extremely unstable at the drop of a hat. Play at your own risk.

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Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:06 pm
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