Viewing profile - PeepNCreep

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Character Race:
Unseelie - Umbra
Peeping and creeping.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
The man of skin and clockwork had come to take her home. Back to the stuffy and the proper, where she lives as nothing but someone's shadow, half true and half not, the odd duckling, least common denominator. Where it's always sit up proper, smile pretty, and 'Behave'. Everyone's always telling her to behave. Even the man there for her.

Now where was the fun in that?

Instead, she sulked and slouched, when she smiled, she smiled pretty, but there was always something malignant beneath it all. Her dresses were always grubby, her hair a tangled mess, spindly fingers creeping. She was angsty, petulant, childish, wild, a stirring of nightmares. She was everything they didn't want her to be. She made trouble every where she went.

She didn't want to go home.

Home made her skin crawl much like she made others do the same. Home was bitter tastes, mocking tones, judging faces, cages. Home was prison, where she'd be locked away again until she could 'behave'. Home was silenced, stifled.

She wouldn't go home.

No, she lashed out, brought the man to his knees wrought with nightmares and terrors. She left him weak, she left him alone. She left a trail of weeping when she left. She left everything she knew.

Some how she ended up in Rhy'din.

She likes it here. There's just so much. She's ready to take everything the city has to offer.

* * * * *

She's pale as moonlight, with blue grey eyes, doe-wide and framed with thick lashes. Her hair is a wild tangle of straw blonde curls and snaggles that fall to frame a round, almost child-like face. Her body's curves are as thin and lean as the rest of her. Her movements are fluid, her demeanor animalistic almost. Maybe feral was a better word.

-Thanks to Voodoo, those straw blond snaggles are less snaggly, and more a mint green color.
Sometimes she plays well with others. Sometimes she doesn't.

((Questions? Ideas? Just poke me! While the character will most likely bite when poked, I won't! Also. Be forewarned. She can be unpredictable and violent, but nothing will happen without your consent! I also did a thing. Her tumblr can be found in the WWW. 18+))

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"No more attachments...Sister can hurt them."
My limbs are dead and dry.
My ribcage cradles dirt and weeds.
I'm empty inside.