Viewing profile - Gavin Tyrell

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Gavin Tyrell
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Character Portrait
The twenty-two year-old Gavin has an average height of somewhere around six feet, give or take an inch. He has a lean body that is not overly muscular, but fit and trim enough to categorize him as athletic. Though his natural weight is 180 pounds, at times he seems much, much heavier.

Gavin has long, wavy brown hair that has natural streaks of blonde strung throughout. His blue eyes shimmer in the light, but otherwise keep their tone deep in darkness. His youthful face is oftentimes covered with a beard of varying length, but he will shave it clean once it becomes too unruly.

Gavin is a singer, whose voice is well suited for the blues.
Gavin is trained in swordfighting, and has a natural athletic talent which allows him to learn most activities rather quickly.

He is a fine guitar player, though far from an expert. He will miss notes on occasion.

Gavin is also bonded to living armor, which resides within his own skin and bones. It can manifest at will, either at its own or at Gavin's command; when doing so, it appears as if it is being created out of thin air, as it exits his body at a sub-molecular level before reforming around him. Gavin is still unaware of what the armor is completely capable of.

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