Viewing profile - Raven Ekia

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Raven Ekia
Lady Raven Ekia
Character Race:
Reanimated Human
New Haven
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Native Rhydinian
Healer & Former Mercenary
At nine inches above the five foot mark, she's closer to tall than not. Motherhood has been good to her figure, filling her out in all the right places. An inkspill of jet black falls in relaxed waves to the middle of her back, framing features set with royal blue eyes, a pert nose, and full lips. Her wardrobe consists of properly tailored but still easy to move in attire, favoring function over form.

Outgoing and free spirited, she is unafraid to speak her mind when it comes to something she believes in passionately. She loves life and has a innate sense of adventure that is sometimes gets her into trouble. While deceptively strong, Raven is an empathetic and emotionally shy person. While identifying and responding to others' feelings she does not express her feelings often, and when she does she has trouble doing so. She is a hard worker and spends her time caring for everyone but herself.

Mother to Adelaide Victoria, born February 15th, 2014.
Raven is a skilled healer, having mastered several healing arts throughout the years. To supplement this, she is also particularly well trained in martial arts including karate, aikido, and ninjutsu. Also pretty handy with a gun.

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Fri May 27, 2016 9:16 pm
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Fri May 27, 2016 9:55 pm
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