Viewing profile - Robert St George

Robert St George
Robert St George
Character Race:
Human (slight mix)
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Play and Find out
"Come on, let's fly away and live forever."

"We have to go. I'm almost happy here."

"So, stay."

"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it."

AGE 23
SEX Male
MARTIAL Single (Dating: None)
RACE Mixed Humanoid
HEIGHT Six feet even
WEIGHT 160 pounds
HAIR Short and black
MARKINGS scar over center chest; hic et nunc (here and now) right forearm; batman tattoo sleeve on right arm / shoulder; expectation is the root of all heartache Shoulder Blades; dog (corgi) paw print right side of neck, hidden II right forearm

DEFECTS Mild allergy / intolerance to mana-arcane (magic); ; undisclosed heart issue; schizoaffective disorder; possible sterile; tremor in leg when standing (use of cane often seen)

EDUCATION Associates of Arts, Bachelors for forensic science (Imperial College of London); Master’s Degree Psychological Master’s Degree Behavioral Sciences (University of Cambridge); Doctor of Fine Arts (currently seeking);

HISTORY Another man stuck in a life that he’s unsure that is his own. It was predetermined, or so he thought, just like his other siblings. There was a single event in his life that changed everything when the world around them came crashing down around them and caused a butterfly effect that changed everything. A whole family who was seen as perfect had their life halted, and all because of that night.

No, it couldn’t just be that. Their family was split up, and half don’t even talk to each other anymore. Half of them disowned the others, and those left seem like they couldn’t care less if the others dropped dead. He had to get away. With a contact of his lawyer he got his inheritance, he got himself enrolled in school and ate through the classes.

Forensic Science, somehow it called to him. He could stand in the middle of a crime scene and slowly pull himself into it and gather clues other seemed to miss. Still, he couldn’t help himself. He was still needed that thrill, that chase. He’d go to clubs once in a while, but it didn’t fill it. Sometimes pop a pill, other times feed the beast and chase some tail.

He didn’t bother to keep to steady of a job. The inheritance he got from his parents being more than enough to sustain him. Instead, he just turned around and invested it even giving over control of most of it to a friend and living off of the money the day trader made him.

This left him with more free time, which he invested in things as being a consultant for Metropolitan police, comic books and being a philanthropist. From time to time, he found himself finding ways in the romance department but it seemed to never work out for the man.

Taking a break from Rhydin and the focus of relationships he took a summer for himself and left him back in his home world (and time). After a while, he grew to miss his family and came back in the world to find his place among them once more.
Sergeant McMuffin – Cardiac Alert Dog (corgi)

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