Viewing profile - Kenthir Driadson

Kenthir Driadson
Kenthir Driadson
Character Race:
Tracker and druid
Kenthir wasn't the kind of man to stand out in a crowd -- heck, he wasn't even the kind to be in one. He was pretty ordinary looking at first: average height, with a lean and lanky build. It took prolonged examination to find what made him unique. The flecks of blue in his brown eyes were hard to see at a distance. And one could be forgiven for assuming the random white streaks in his black hair were a trick of the light. After all, how could someone so young already have white in their hair?

The clothing he wore did him no favors in making him memorable. Everything was shades of brown, black, green, or olive. The boots he always wore were well-worn. Simple trousers were normally paired with either a shirt underneath an overtunic, or just a tunic. Particularly bad weather called for a cloak.
A good grasp on the basics of surviving in nature. Tracking. Skilled with a knobkerrie, skinning knife, bow and arrow, and throwing knives

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Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:26 pm
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