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Invictus Animus
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Some see the soul as that which deepens events into experiences. The soul as a metaphorical way of seeing that creates a middle ground between the world of matter and the world of spirit. The Mundus Imaginalis. A hard place to visit; even harder to stay there due to the need for balanced integer. Then still there are those that feel the soul has a place of birth; the Guff.

The true identity of a human being, the immortal self which surpasses death and lives on into the otherworld, perchance to be reincarnated. Consciousness, élan vital, quintessence, spirit, psyche, animus, noumenon, umbra, atman, ka... an endless list of words pertaining to the existence of that energy. The Soul. For ever people and race on the planet, there was a different definition pertaining to, and or the belief of such.

For this particular 'ghost', it had been born without a body and was now roaming the world at large. Physical manifestations had become far more common over time; bit of energy left here, left there were taken and brought into the whole. When it appeared, often to those that had the 'sight' would see someone they longed to see. More-often than not however, most people saw nothing but a trick of the light. Something out of the corner of their eyes.

Was it male. was it female? To some, it was as they wanted to see. Brown hair, green eyes, blonde hair blue eyes. It was however growing, becoming more than just a shadow. To become corporal, that of substance and rejoin the realm of the living; that was the dream entertained by the ghost. That is what it longed for.
(OOC: Very much a work in progress. If I happen to be in the room and I miss something, please let me know, I'm rather slow at typing and tend to miss things often. If you have questions, please feel free to ask. ;o)
Also, as the character grows it will become one or the other. Male or female, what and how it looks will also be born along that road. )

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