Viewing profile - Liam

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Liam Spencer
Character Race:
100% Male and proud of it
Sweet talking anyone who will lend him an ear
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
White Witch, Protector of his coven
Liam was tall, but never considered overly so, six feet three inches with a solid build. Between brawn and brains he was gifted with more of the latter, not overly muscular. His hair was a messy dirty blonde, falling always in his face, a great deal of time was spent brushing it away from his piercing green eyes. A very casual man, t-shirts jeans and sneakers mostly. But on occation he has been known to dress himself up for a night of wine women and dancing. Liam hides his tattoos well, although they are no secret. He has a tribal that covers his ribs on his left side, over his chest and abdomin, and snakes up over his shoulder to his upper arm. Another tribal between his shoulder blades and down his spine. All tastefully covered by his affinity for button downs and t-shirts.
White protection magics. Spells for warding, spirit cleansing, some location scrying, and of course he is well versed in veiling locations and people. Fire is his only offensive ability, and at that, he is more dangerous to himself than others.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:42 pm
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Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:12 am
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