Viewing profile - Corwin Shadowkill

Corwin Shadowkill
Corwin Shadowkill
Character Race:
Human mage.
Wandering the city
Master magus most mighty, spellslinger for hire. No love potions, endless purses, parties or other entertainment.
A painfully thin, preternaturally pale young man shrouded in thick robes of a deep and misty gray. His hair is a shaggy mop no matter how often he brushes it or how hard he struggles to untangle it - it grows almost as soon as he cuts it, and in color it is a deep and absorbing black, like a crow's wing... or like a bottle of ink. His eyes are a watery blue behind steel rimmed spectacles, but they're alight with intelligence.
Spellslinger extraordinaire... and not much else. He knows as much as there is to know about magic, but real life has passed him by while he studied in the library, and now that he's out on his own, he's a little lost at sea. His time away from Rhydin - victim of a magical catastrophe - has left him even more out of place, as the friends and acquaintances he had once made have all vanished and the world he had begun to understand changed once again. He is adrift, and strange forces are beginning to focus upon him...

((Corwin's glasses are enchanted; they can penetrate through illusion and glamour, and see the true nature of things. Without them, he actually has 20/10 vision.))

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