Viewing profile - Keirra Finnegan

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Keirra Finnegan
Keirra Finnegan (Owens)
Character Race:
In the curcuit.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
With eyes that compete with the sky itself, and skin that rivals an untouched porcelain doll, Keirra takes on a deceptively innocent appearance. If she left well-enough alone, she could've probably gone on her looks alone; but she broke into pieces before the opportunity would even present itself. What’s left is a sarcastic, bitter, alcoholic shell of the once sweet girl that existed. Most days she can be found with dark, unkempt hair, and in black, usually baggy clothing.

Keirra holds a thin, rangy form—a product of malnourishment and heavy drinking. Her height is nothing to be proud of, either, barely making it above the fifth foot. Emaciated arms do not pack much of a punch, but Keirra has a motto. It’s not how hard you get hit, it’s where you get hit that counts. She’s not at all above dirty fighting if she feels it's needed.

Though she talks a big game, she's pretty inexperienced in anything that doesn't involve lying, cheating and stealing. Stealing to provide for her family has turned her into something of a kleptomaniac, and now it has become an uncontrollable compulsion to steal.
Master thief, and skilled in the art of lock picking. A skill she started as a child and honed to perfection once she'd reached adulthood.

For no other reason but to be a show-off, Keirra has honed her acrobatic skills too, and has become something of a free-runner.

Other skills include; Giving stupid nicknames. Clever insults. Can hold her liquor.

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Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:07 pm
Last active:
Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:04 pm
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Tomorrow we could drive around this town
And let the cops chase us around!
The past is gone, but something might be found
To take its place...