Viewing profile - Levi Clark

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Levi Clark
Levi Clark, Esquire
Character Race:
In a courtroom or the back of an RV
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Attorney at law
Gypsies still traveled in caravans. They just weren't horse drawn carriages and wagons. The family he was brought up in traveled in those modern day caravans, stopping and living for a time and then simply picking up and leaving. He had friends, a tight knit community that was more akin to family than most. But this russet haired, blue eyed boy was destined for something more.
From the time he could talk, he could argue, badger and sweet talk his mother into just about anything. As a result, at the age of 13 his mother settled as a "docking" or "portal" as the family liked to call it. And though his home life was chaos because he never knew who was going to be sleeping in the bunk bed beneath him, he studied hard.

Years passed, people came and went. They were always welcomed and the amount of food his mother prepared for the migrant family members was enough to keep a small army fed. He graduated from High School, and immediately went to college.

Gaining the Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences and doubling in Psychology, he was nearly to his goal. And at the age of 26, he graduated from Harvard Law. Immediately he went into civil service as a public defender and passed the bar exam.

He was driven, but not by a passion or a love for the law. His family needed a safe haven in a storm. Levi Clark set up his tent and they came flooding in.

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Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:50 am
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Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:09 pm
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