Viewing profile - Mirini

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Mirini Ti'Carith
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Character Portrait
Healer and 'Explorer'
Standing at a short 4'7", Mirini is a catfolk of small stature and of large heart! She has rather adorable floppy ears poking out from her mess of neck length white hair framing her oddly coloured eyes. Her left eye boasts a dull orange hue whilst her right is a vibrant green but both ever hold a glint of mischief in the corners. The catfolk's fur is fairly short and is primarily beige with a purple and black mix of stripes and spots scattered across it. Just under her neck her fur seems to take a lighter hue, reaching over her belly.

Mirini can often be found wearing her trusty breastplate and comfortable tunic and breeches. Nothing too fancy. However when times call for a manner of subtlety and finesse the catfolk will donn her cloak.
A tender of ails and a fixer of what's wrong, Mirini is an adventurer's best friend should they cross her path during her travels. Quick with a pick and with a soothing touch, the quick-footed cat can make many a dungeon crawl smoother for a modest cut of the spoils, of course.

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:12 pm
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Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:42 pm
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