Viewing profile - Jay

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It's Jacyn... Just Jacyn, or 'Jay'
Character Race:
Human, just your average Mortal.
Male most assuredly
Dockside District
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Working on the Docks, Living day to day, Doing what I can for myself and some others
He stands at 6ft 2 inches or so, maybe clocking in at a rather solid 235lbs.

Tanned skin and a somewhat weathered face, that harbors a short and quite neatly trimmed beard, coupled with eyes of a rather dark blue and a head of shortly styled hair of the darkest night.

His frame is a solid one, honed by an honest day of hard work, time and again. Not to mention his out of work activities as well.

He's a normal sort, if one were to look at him closely they might see that he may resemble another familiar and rather notable male that resides within the city of Rhy'Din, despite his objections.

Within the Dock Side District he's a common fixture, working and living. He's simply known as 'Jay' to many.


"It's been over a year since my 'return', and I've yet to understand why I have been able to somehow remain, while others who were drawn across the veil, returned to where they had come from.

I've yet to understand how I live and breathe once more, albeit quite powerless to the point that I am simply a normal human being of the near middle age variety.

Gone are the runes... The Gauntlet... The rage, and carefully crafted anger that rained such hatred on this realm and the like.

In their place, is confusion-- fear, and... regret.

So I live, and I work... I get by and try to keep out of the way. I stay low, and look the other way, when it comes to it.


I do what I need to do, until I somehow find a way. And for the record, it's Jacyn... Just Jacyn, or 'Jay'."

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Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:30 pm
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Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:30 pm
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"Jay? He's an okay sort, I guess. we can depend on him, an he works hard y'know? He ain't a soft type neither, so he's okay with me."