Viewing profile - Dracina Hemdagg

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Dracina Hemdagg
Dracina Hemdagg
Character Race:
Elven vampire
The Darkest of Night
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Psychotic, bloodsucking murderer
Appearances were always deceiving, and she was no exception to the rule. Many would view Dracina as something of a empty-headed slut simply looking for a lay. But her blue-eyed gaze told of a predatory intelligence beyond anything that anyone could imagine.

She was extremely attractive, no doubt about that. The blond hair, the blue eyes, the lithe and sensual body... and the round breasts that many found themselves staring at. Ah yes, and the eerily pale skin. Since she's usually seen at night, this could have been attributed to simply lack of sunlight.

It was pointless talking about her behind her back... her pointed ears would catch everything said nearby. Remarks, good or ill would be remembered by her extremely vengeful mind.

Her clothing often consisted of elegance or for pure attraction, the finest cuts and even the most revealing cuts. It depended on her current agenda... whether she was out for a simple night stroll or a hunt for prey. Yes, she was beautiful, but she was extremely lethal.

Approach at your own risk, stranger.
Dracina is talented in many fields of expertise, but most notably magic. Magic was her master skill, used in many various ways from pure subtlety to outright overt destruction. She had slaved away over many books for many years to achieve this mastery over arcane power.

She was skilled with the sword as well. The blade, Deathbringer, forged from an ebon steel of unknown origin was her faithful weapon. It was rarely at her side in public, but when it was, it was a brutal weapon to see in action. But it wasn't like she needed such a weapon anyway.

She had excellent covert abilities as well, having been able to palm items from even the most experienced thieves. She had been known to creep up on others without notice and startle them from surprise.

All of these skills proved useful for the nights she prowled for sustenance. For what good was a vampire that could not sneak up from behind and overpower her target?

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Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:43 pm
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