Viewing profile - Angra

Angra Mainyu
Character Race:
The grey In between of Demon, Angel and Human
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Marked by the angel Angra Mainyu during his trials the man holds the evils of a world over his head and carries his cross like the virtuous son his trial proved him to be. A failure and sought after fool for defying the laws of the maker he carries hate on his shoulders with a burdened heart. Like the illusions the maker cast over his people he generates hatred from all that see his radiant eyes of ice and halo marked neck. His pock marked chest holds the black heart of eternal damnation as his predecessor did and iron will against the gods even as he is only fuels their disdain for him and the all father that cursed him. He is Angra Mainyu, the hatred and evils of the world bore by a mortal.

((Little strange to place this here and say it but Angra isn't the friend making sort of character, those without much of a divine background likely hating him to his core from the moment they see him, and with this I'm sure it can be considered rude but it's the defining block of the character. Even the strongest of warriors and mages would probably feel the same. He has accepted it himself and come to enjoy his life of solitude and it would likely freak him out if someone came to him with honest intentions. So with all that said play a character how you feel they would act just please keep that in consideration! Thank you and have a nice day!))

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Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:18 pm
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:18 pm
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