Viewing profile - Rone

Character Race:
There have been so many changes he doesn't even know himself. At first a homunculous, now it's up for grabs.
Male, he does know that!
Anywhere, not a special sight really. A wanderer.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Being the successor of the hero hunter, Siegfried.
The magic man had made the young sixteen year old his victim, slaughtering him and his sister in the alley under a dim gray sky. He was made a thrall for the magic man, his lover and toy to be used as his voice when handling those he disliked and saw as an obstacle. This was true even when the young corpse came face to face with the King of Heroes and spirit of death themselves Gilgamesh and Siegfried.

Used as a weak point to make a fatal strike against the Hero Hunter the boy's corpse was imbued with the dragon's heart and blood as well as ownership of Gram and Grani as the hunter left the world of the living.

He died with a smile.

Without any idea who he was or what was happening around him the hunter's successor made his way into WestEnd out of blind ignorance. He created issues no petty crook or common murderer ever accounted something so moody and young could ever cause. He was indeed the perfect successor for the bloodthirsty Siegfried....

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Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:43 pm
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Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:25 pm
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