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Fiche Tri
Jane Asper
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
She was born to a time when man had very little to offer the world. In retrospect, this was perhaps the best man ever was, not destructive, at peace with the world around him. Nothing ever lasts and the universe had its own idea of events. Jane Asper. It was what she had gone by for the last two years; she had gone by many and would most likely go by more. Yes, the Universe was a cruel master at times. It all started when she was 23. Sucked out of her existence to be unceremoniously implanted smack in the middle of Stone Henge. This was the Henge of Olde, shorting after its birth. There were thousands of Henges, each one corresponding to another time, and even other worlds. Each time she was drawn through one to emerge through the other side, a clock was reset. Always returning her to the age at which it all started.
She had not forgotten the name she had been born with, but it seemed inconsequential to the events of her life. The last 34 years had been spent far in the distant future, a bleak, abysmal existence for human kind. Tech had replaced humanity. Nothing was off limits. Most didn't make it to the ripe old age of 57; unless you were one of the privileged. Where wasn't anything that couldn't be bought or sold. Just when she thought she had taken her final voyage there came that familiar tingle....and she was gone again.

Jane, for the most part was a simple thing. She wasn't one for make-up, or fancy clothing. She was an amalgamation of every time and place she had been. From Victorian to Cybernetics and everything in between. She did sport some tech, as her last existence, doing so without was a death sentence. It was minimal; and nothing that stood out, save for the exposed port when she was jacked in. Given her new arrival destination, the days of simply 'plugging in' were a thing of the past. Not that she minded.

Standing somewhere around 5'9 and a good 160. She was healthy, always keeping her strength up, her muscles toned; kick-boxing was her guilty pleasure. She could rumble with the best of them. She'd never, in all her years been married. No children, there never really had been anyone. Once, she had come across another, in one of the Henges... their eyes had met for an instant. He was leaving just as she was arriving. She always thought one day she would see those eyes again; she'd know them anywhere.

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