Viewing profile - Rylar

Character Race:
Anthropomorphic Mouse
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Rylar is a six foot tall man of human shape yet sharing certain characteristics of a mouse. The only deviation from the general shape of human is the fact that he does possess a four and a half foot long tail. His thin body is covered in clean, short white fur except for on hands, feet, and tail. Where his flesh shows it is a pale pink color. He has a short muzzle bearing whiskers and tipped with a small pink nose. His incisors are somewhat pronounced, enough so that their bottom edge can barely be seen even when his mouth is closed. Ears are thin, rounded, and large. Eyes are dark green, and if they are indeed windows to the soul then they show how incredibly old and detached he's become.

His typical clothing is a hooded black robe of thin, fine material. It bears designs in vibrant red of flames along the bottom edge of the robe and a symbol of a large red dragon across the back.
Rylar would not say that he uses magic so much as magic uses him, he is simply a focal point through which abstract, cosmic forces act. As such his magic is not always available and can usually only be directly used by him toward trivial things, however in certain situations wherein some event or effect "needs to happen," for better or worse, these magics are extremely powerful.

Being tied in with abstract forces so intimately has had a number of effects on the Rylar's senses. He has extremely potent clairvoyance and clairsentience, and can see potential future events... often times simply so that he can ensure they happen.

He has little in the ways of non-magical skills. Being connected only loosely to the physical world hampers his reflexes and awareness. An intense focus on magical learning has left him without any in depth technical knowledge, though he has a general understanding of how various things work.

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Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:05 pm
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Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:05 pm
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