Viewing profile - DUEL Sabine

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RoH Official
RoH Official
DUEL Sabine
Sabine Aubrey-Gabrielle
Character Race:
Near Battlefield Park
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Caller for Duels, Maid, and Baroness Beauty Spokesmodel
Age: 20

Birthday: October 29th

Height: 5'0

Build: Very petite and athletic.

Hair: Dark Brown and just above waist length.

Eyes: Green

Skin: Fair with olive undertones


Things to know:

1. She almost always wears one of four necklaces given to her as gifts. Right now she wears as opal necklace that was a gift from Hope.

2. Nicknames: Bean, Campanilla, Captain, Bunny.

3. She has some sensory processing issues, is easily overwhelmed, and is emotionally stunted. She also does not like being touched if she doesn't know you.

4. She sometimes "collects" things like a ferret. Food, Sal's T-shirts, random things easily forgotten by others.

5. She can speak Spanish but not well. She understands better than she can speak.

7. She wears a rose gold flower ring from Cane. If she holds a barony, then she wears that ring on her thumb, and she wears a gold filigree wedding band.

8. She wears a bracelet made of wooden beads that has an ivory bead that says 'Breathe' from Sal.

9. On her left wrist she has 3 tattoos. A bunny, a snowdrop flower, and a mouse. Each are about the size of a nickel. She also has a black koi fish on her left side torso, a word in Navajo that means strength on her left hip, a watercolor feather with the word "Guardian" on her lower right stomach, an aries constellation on the right side of her right ring finger and a sailor knot on the left side of her right ring finger, and beneath her right breast "tell me a story."

34th Baron of Old Market (April 1, 2015)

20th Baron of Old Temple (September 28th, 2015)

23rd Baron of Dockside (December 20, 2015)

IFL: Undefeated Team Deathcake 7-0 for 2015

IFL: Undefeated as a player 4-0 for 2015

Panther's Claw Winner 4/13/16

19th Baron of Battlefield Park (July 10, 2016)
DUELISTS~NEWCOMERS~EVERYONE: Please feel free to ask questions, ask for help, ask me to call duels and challenges. I am here to help!

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