Viewing profile - Lil Gil

Lil Gil
Little Gilgamesh
Character Race:
Human, two thirds god (Seven years old)
Ruling the world with a little iron fist!
Boy king
The nexus not only dropped the king of Heroes in Rhydin, it seemed it decided to pull the boy king of Heroes from his day to day rambling to the streets.

Lanky and tall, buck toothed and greasy, the boy was the spitting image of what slum boy should look like. Hard to believe this was the culmination of two ancient god's corpses. Shaggy blonde hair falls in unkempt bushels over his ears and down his neck. Murky red eyes look out over the world with such light and innocence that even the darkest of deeds couldn't snuff the flame behind them.

It's a common sight to see him toss aside the regal clothing of his office as god king and lean more to a dark grey tunic and leather pants WITH SOCKS! No shoes, the piggies have to be free!
It's the King of Heroes, just long before he became the almighty lord of the world. Expect mischief and shenanigans of adequate proportions- THUG LIFE!

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