Viewing profile - Samuel Redstone

Samuel Redstone
Name's Samuel Redstone just call me Sam.
Character Race:
Wherever the trail leads me.
Freelance Archaeologist Aka: treasure hunter get the picture.
Age: well i WAS twenty seven....i dont know how I ended up thirteen again.

Height: Or why I shrunk from five foot ten to five foot...

Weight: ok.....loosing seventy pounds isnt so bad..

Build: IF I WASN'T so *BLEEEP*ing Scrawny! you've got to be kidding me?!?!

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Clothes: Tee-shirts with cargo pants and hiking boots mostly. Allright...where the *bleep* are my guns? Sunnva...*Bleep*

Nothing too unusual about this man would make him stand out in a bar, or on the docks. Simply a human with an inexaustable thirst for adventure.

Treasures and legends were his vice, that and a good beer with other "things" spark his interest and most of the time all of the above have gotten him into a scrape or two. The fact that he has a nose for odd tidbits of history found written between the lines of most established books has lead to quite a few terse arguements with professional historians and archaeologists.

For him the challenge of the quest and the chance to prove history wrong has kept him on this path since he had gotten "lost" in a tomb in Egypt and had scared his father half to death.

Years later in an expedition to Persepolis in yet another attempt to prove the historians wrong he managed to find an hidden crypt where Sam believed hidden treasure and knowledge awaited. Once he passed through the door he was in Rhydin with a brief flash of light.

Recent events involving a cliff fortress an white orb field that had become unstable has left Sam in his current state. Whether he can change back or not, that's something he will have to discover.
Previous adventures have given him skills with firearms and hand to hand combat. Not that he had been professionaly trained in either mind you, but he has been handed enough weapons in the middle of intense firefights with the phrase "do you know how to use this?" tossed at him to actually loose count in both situations and bullets he has dodged.

His hand to hand skills? He is fast with his fists, grappling and can duck objects swung at him with the best of long as he isn't drunk that is.

Even though Sam has been reverted back to his early teen years, he has held onto his abilities.

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Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:51 pm
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"History is only in the point of view of the person writing it. If you aren't willing to look between the lines to see the truth, don't bother saying you're interested in it."